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Acts Study #20: Peter indicted the Jews for murdering their own Messiah and called them to repentance (Acts 3:12 - 4:4)

Hechos Estudio #20: Pedro acusó a los judíos de asesinar a su propio Mesías y los llamó al arrepentimiento (Hechos 3:12 - 4:4)

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All Bible quotations and the arrangement are found exclusively in the Kingdom Study Bible version, published by Jehovah Has Spoken Publishing Ministries. It is published for free in PDF format on this website.

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“This is the work of Jehovah! It is marvelous in our eyes.” Psalm 118:23

Acts, Chapter 1.2: The Sanhedrin violently rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the apostles (3:1 - 42)

§Unique   Introduction: God used a miracle to open a door for Peter and John to preach the Gospel to a large crowd of Jews (3:1 - 11)

¶Opposite    A disabled man asked Peter and John for a gift as they were going into the Temple (3:1 - 5)

¶Opposite    God healed the disabled man, providing an opportunity for Peter and John to preach the Gospel to the Jews (3:6 - 11)

§Complement   Body: The Sanhedrin Council of Jews vainly attempted to stop the preaching of the Gospel in Jerusalem (3:12 - 5:16)

¶Opposite    Peter indicted the Jews for their participation in the execution of their own Christ (3:12 - 16)

¶Opposite    Peter called the Jews to repentance and faith in the resurrected Christ (3:17 - 4:4)

¶Complement    The Sanhedrin commanded Peter and John not to speak anymore in the Name of Jesus (4:5 - 22)

¶Complement    The apostles prayed for the power and protection of the Holy Spirit (4:23 - 31)

¶Unique    The Holy Spirit slew Ananias and Sapphira at the word of Peter for attempting to corrupt the Assembly (4:32 - 5:16)

§Complement   Conclusion: The Sanhedrin Council of Jews arrested and beat the apostles; and then released them (5:17 - 42)

¶Complement    The Sanhedrin sent officers to arrest the apostles, who were preaching the Gospel of Christ in the Temple (5:17 - 27a)

¶Complement    The Sanhedrin released the apostles after beating them and commanded them not to speak in the Name of Jesus (5:27b - 42)

This study will look at the first two paragraphs of the Body Section of Chapter 1.2 of Acts.

We continue our study of Acts Chapter 1.2 with an overview of the Golden Ratio design of the entire Chapter.

Remember from previous studies that the Golden Ratio paragraph pattern for the Chapters in every Book in the Body Section goes like this:

Chapter 1.1: UCC-OO

Chapter 1.2: OO-CCU

Chapter 1.3: UCC-OO

Chapter 1.4: OO-CCU

Chapter 1.5: UCC-OO

Chapter 2.1: OO-CCU

Chapter 2.2: UCC-OO

Chapter 2.3: OO-CCU

Chapter 2.4: UCC-OO

Chapter 2.5: OO-CCU

So, the first two paragraphs in the Body Section are “OO” in the Golden Ratio design, which means that their themes oppose each other; and it also means that their sub-paragraph designs also go in opposite directions; that is to say, the sub-paragraph design for these two paragraphs is “UCC-OO | OO-CCU”.

U = Unique; C = Complementary (like two sides of the same coin); O = Opposite.

Notice how the two paragraph themes oppose each other:

¶Opposite    Peter indicted the Jews for their participation in the execution of their own Christ (3:12 - 16)

¶Opposite    Peter called the Jews to repentance and faith in the resurrected Christ (3:17 - 4:4)

First, Peter indicts the Jews and exposes their guilt in crucifying their own Messiah. Then, he turns around (as it were) and calls them to repent and trust in Christ to be saved. This is a perfect illustration of the “OO” in the Golden Ratio design.

Now, in the rest of the Body Section, the Supreme Council of the Jews in Judea (called the Sanhedrin) called Peter and the apostles and commanded them not to speak in the Name of Jesus anymore, and threatened them. (Complementary)

Then, the apostles prayed to God for power and boldness to preach the Gospel in spite of their persecution by the Council. (Complementary)

Then, Peter exposed the lie of Ananias and Sapphira, and the Holy Spirit slew them. (Unique)

¶Complement    The Sanhedrin Council of Jews commanded Peter and John not to speak anymore in the Name of Jesus (4:5 - 22)

¶Complement    The apostles prayed for the power and protection of the Holy Spirit (4:23 - 31)

¶Unique    The Holy Spirit slew Ananias and Sapphira at the word of Peter for attempting to corrupt the Assembly in Jerusalem (4:32 - 5:16)

The Golden Ratio design of the Holy Bible is infallible, because it originally came from God the Holy Spirit, who caused the human authors of Holy Scripture to write the Scriptures in such a way that the Golden Ratio design would be embedded with it, even though they had no knowledge of the Golden Ratio themselves; and if they had heard of it in the days of the apostles, they had no conception that it was part of the Holy Scriptures. This is the ultimate proof that the one trueGod is the ultimate Author of the Bible. It truly is the Word of God, and the Golden Ratio design of the Scriptures is his “fingerprints” upon the Bible text.

If the Bible were not the Word of God, where does the Golden Ratio design come from? It would be impossible for mere men to produce it, even if they were somehow collaborating and scheming together to create it. Especially since the human authors of Scripture lived over a period of approximately 1,600 years.

But there is not one iota of historical evidence that the human authors of Scripture (e.g. Moses, Samuel, Ezra, Paul, Luke etc) knew of the Golden Ratio design, so they did not create it themselves. The only other possible Source of this design is God Almighty, because the Bible is the Word of God.

“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture comes of one’s own interpretation: for the prophecy came at no time by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:20-21

“All Scripture is God-breathed; and is beneficial for doctrine, for rebuke, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be complete, and thoroughly equipped for all good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

§Complement    Body: The Sanhedrin Council of Jews vainly attempted to stop the preaching of the Gospel in Jerusalem (3:12 - 5:16)

¶Opposite    Peter indicted the Jews for their participation in the execution of their own Christ (3:12 - 16)

Unique    And when Peter saw this, he answered to the people, “You men of Israel, why do you marvel at this? Or why do you look so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we made this man to walk?

Complement    The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Son Jesus; whom you delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go.

Complement    But you denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted to you.

Opposite    And you killed the Prince of life, whom God has raised from the dead: whereof we are witnesses.

Opposite    And his Name through faith in his Name has made this man strong, whom you see and know; moreover, the faith which is by him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.

Comment: The UCC-OO (one unique, two complements, and two opposites) Golden Ratio design of the sub-paragraphs for paragraph 1:

Unique    Peter rejected the apparent belief of the people that he or John had anything to do with the man’s healing

Complement    Peter pointed to the God of the Jews as the cause of the glorification of Christ in his crucifixion, whom the people denied in the presence of Pilate (before the resurrection)

Complement    Peter pointed to the guilt of the people in denying the Holy One and the Just, and asking for a murderer instead (before the resurrection)

Opposite    Peter indicted the people for killing the Prince of Life, whom God has raised from the dead (the resurrection)

Opposite    The faith of the disabled man in Christ has given him a perfect healing (after the resurrection)

Before you can be saved, you must realize that you are a sinner. Peter used this truth to present the Gospel to his hearers:

First, understand that you have sinned against Almighty God. If there is no sin, there is no need for a Savior, because that is what the Savior does: He forgives our sins and SAVES us from the penalty of those sins, which is an eternity in Hell and the Lake of Fire, if those sins have not been forgiven when you die.

¶Opposite    Peter called the Jews to repentance and faith in the resurrected Christ (3:17 - 4:4)

Opposite    And now, brethren, I know that through ignorance you did it, as did also your rulers.

Opposite    But those things, which God before has shown by the mouth of all his Prophets, that Christ should suffer, he has so fulfilled; therefore repent, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; and he shall send Jesus Christ, who before was preached to you; whom the Heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began.

Complement    For Moses truly said to the fathers, ‘A Prophet shall [Jehovah] your God raise up to you of your brethren, like me: him shall you hear in all things whatsoever he shall say to you. And it shall come to pass, that every soul, who will not hear that Prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people.’

Complement    Indeed, and all the Prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days. You are the children of the Prophets, and of the Covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘And in your seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.’ Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.”

Unique    And as they spoke to the people, the priests, the captain of the Temple, and the Sadducees, came upon them, being grieved that they taught the people, and preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead. And they laid hands on them; and they put them in hold until the next day: for it was now evening. Nevertheless many of them who heard the Word believed, and the number of the men was about five thousand.

Comment: The OO-CCU (two opposites, two complements, and one unique) Golden Ratio design of the sub-paragraphs for paragraph 2:

Opposite    Peter acknowledged the ignorance of the people in their actions that crucified their Messiah

Opposite    But these things were all fulfillment of Holy Scripture; therefore repent and be converted to Christ

Complement    Moses prophesied the coming of a Prophet, who would be like him

Complement    Peter called the Jews to faith in their resurrected Messiah: the Son of God, Jesus Christ

Unique    The council of the Sanhedrin arrested the apostles and put them in prison

Next, understand that that Jesus is the answer to your sins: Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and experienced your pain and suffering in Hell FOR YOU (as your substitute) and rose again from the dead on the third day.

Now, all you must do is BELIEVE in Jesus Christ: “Repent, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out”


1) Realize that YOUR SINS put Jesus on the cross, because Jesus had no sin and needs no Savior, because He is God, manifested in the flesh.

2) Realize that YOUR SINS are dragging you down into Hell, and that ONLY JESUS can save you.

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other Name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

Believe in Jesus Christ and receive Him as your personal Savior:

1) Believe that Jesus is the resurrected Son of God:

“Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was made of the seed of David according to the flesh, and was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of Holiness, by the resurrection from the dead;” Romans 1:3-4

2) Believe that only Jesus Christ can save you from going to Hell:

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other Name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

“But as many as received him, to them gave he authority to become the children of God: even to them that believe on his Name” John 1:12

3) Turn to Jesus in prayer and ask Him to save you:

“Lord Jesus, I know that I have sinned against YOU. I am no good, and you are righteous! I believe that you died on the cross for my sins, were buried, and rose again from the dead on the third day. I want you to come into my life and be my Lord and Savior. Please come into my heart right now. Forgive me for all my sins, and save my soul. In the mighty Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen!”

Now, follow your prayer of faith with a lifetime of obedience to God and his Word. Read his Word daily, and do what it says. Find a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church (Independent Baptist churches are the best), and serve the Lord there each week.

If you have turned from your sins and accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and only Savior from sin, please message me through Facebook and let me know that you have done that, so that I can pray for you and rejoice with you in what God has done in your life. Amen.

Final thoughts: Some churches want to be so positive and friendly to the world that they only present Jesus Christ as a friend, a pal, or even a drinking buddy. They never present Jesus as the Bible teaches, as I have described above. And they will likely never talk about sin or the penalty for sins, which is Hell and the Lake of Fire. Instead, they like to talk about prosperity, and how you can become wealthy. This is a false Gospel, and you will never be saved from Hell and the Lake of Fire with this kind of teaching.

If you are a member of this kind of church, you need to flee for your spiritual life to a Bible-preaching, Independent Baptist Church, that preaches Hellfire and Jesus as the only Hope of our salvation, and our Coming King.

Find a church that preaches that the Bible is the Word of God from cover to cover.

Find a church that gives invitations to sinners to be saved in every service.

Find a church that still sings the old hymns of the Christian Faith: Amazing Grace, Rejoice the Lord is King, I sing the Mighty Power of God, Great is thy faithfulness, and so on.

If they have a rock music band in their services, walk out and find one that doesn’t. I haven’t taught much on this subject, but it is a bad sign to have Satan’s music in your church. And yes, rock music is of the devil.

If you follow these guidelines, I know that the Lord will bless you and help you grow in his grace. Amen!

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Hechos Estudio #20: Pedro acusó a los judíos de asesinar a su propio Mesías y los llamó al arrepentimiento (Hechos 3:12 - 4:4)

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“¡Esta es la obra de Jehová! Es maravilloso a nuestros ojos”. Salmo 118:23

Hechos, Capítulo 1.2: El sanedrín rechazó violentamente el evangelio de Jesucristo de los apóstoles (3:1 - 5:42)

§Único   Introducción: Dios usó un milagro para abrir una puerta para que Pedro y Juan predicaran el evangelio a una gran multitud de judíos (3:1 - 11)

¶Lo opuesto    Un hombre discapacitado les pidió a Peter y John un regalo cuando entraron al templo (3:1 - 5)

¶Lo opuesto    Dios sanó al hombre discapacitado, brindando una oportunidad para que Pedro y Juan predicaran el evangelio (3:6 - 11)

§El complemento   Cuerpo: El sanedrín intentó en vano detener la predicación del evangelio en Jerusalén (3:12 - 5:16)

¶Lo opuesto    Pedro acusó a los judíos por su participación en la ejecución de su propio Cristo (3:12 - 16)

¶Lo opuesto    Pedro llamó a los judíos al arrepentimiento y la fe en el Cristo resucitado (3:17 - 4:4)

¶El complemento    El sanedrín mandó a Pedro y Juan que no hablen más en el Nombre de Jesús (4:5 - 22)

¶El complemento    Los apóstoles oraron por el poder y la protección del Espíritu Santo (4:23 - 31)

¶Único    El Espíritu Santo mató a Ananías y Safira por la palabra de Pedro por intentar corromper a la asamblea en Jerusalén (4:32 - 5:16)

§El complemento   Conclusión: El sanedrín arrestó y golpeó a los apóstoles; y luego los liberó (5:17 - 42)

¶El complemento    El Sanedrín envió oficiales para arrestar a los apóstoles que estaban predicando el Evangelio en el templo (5:17 - 27a)

¶El complemento    El sanedrín liberó a los apóstoles después de golpearlos y les mandó que no hablaran en el Nombre de Jesús (5:27b - 42)


La traducción al español de este estudio está pendiente.

Como Ser Salvado

¿Exactamente cómo y cuándo naciste de nuevo?

He aprendido por experiencia que aquellos que se niegan a responder lo hacen porque nunca han nacido de nuevo; no tienen idea de lo que significa, y por eso no pueden responder.

Si ese es tu caso, entonces tu destino eterno en este momento es el Infierno; y más tarde, el Lago de Fuego.

Afortunadamente, podemos cambiar nuestro destino eterno del Infierno al Cielo, si nos arrepentimos de nuestros pecados y recibimos a Jesucristo como nuestro Salvador personal.

Primero, debemos creer que Jesús es el Hijo de Dios; que fue crucificado por nuestros pecados, que fue sepultado y que resucitó de entre los muertos al tercer día.

Romanos 10:8-11: “Pero ¿qué dice? “La Palabra está cerca de ti, incluso en tu boca y en tu corazón”, es decir, la Palabra de fe (que predicamos), que si confesarás con tu boca al Señor Jesús, y creerás en tu corazón que Dios le levantó de los muertos, tú serás salvado: porque con el corazón, el hombre cree para justicia, y con la boca, la confesión se hace para la salvación: porque la Escritura dice, “cualquiera que en él creyere, no será avergonzado”.

Entonces, debemos arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados e invocar el Nombre del Señor Jesús para salvarnos.

Romanos 10:12-13: “Porque no hay diferencia entre el judio y el gentil: porque el mismo Señor sobre todo es rico a todos los que le invocan: porque está escrito, “Cualquiera que llamará sobre el Nombre del Señor será salvado”.

Juan 1:12: “Pero cuantos le recibieron, él les dio autoridad para convertirse los niños de Dios: incluso a aquellos quien creen sobre su Nombre”.

Cuando hacemos eso, entonces nacemos de nuevo instantáneamente en el Reino de Dios.

Estas listo para hacer eso? Si es así, entonces busca un lugar para orar en privado y haz esta oración con todo tu corazón al Señor Jesucristo:

“Señor Jesús, sé que he pecado contra TI. ¡No soy bueno y usted eres justo! Creo que moriste en la cruz por mis pecados, fuiste enterrado y resucitaste de entre los muertos al tercer día. Quiero que vengas a mi vida y seas mi Señor y Salvador. Por favor entra en mi corazón ahora mismo. Perdóname por todos mis pecados y salva mi alma. En el poderoso Nombre de Jesús, oro, ¡Amén!”

Si se apartó de sus pecados y aceptó a Jesucristo como su Señor y único Salvador desde el pecado, por favor envíeme un mensaje a través de Facebook y hágame saber que lo ha hecho, para que pueda orar por usted y alegrarme con usted en lo que Dios tiene hecho en tu vida. Amén.