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Acts Study #13: The Golden Ratio design of Acts, Chapter 1

Hechos Estudio #13: El diseño de la proporción áurea de Hechos, capítulo 1

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“This is the work of Jehovah! It is marvelous in our eyes.” Psalm 118:23

Acts, Chapter 1.1: Many Jews of the Diaspora believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1:1 - 2:47)

§Complement    Introduction: Jesus gave his Great Commission and the apostles chose a replacement for Judas Iscariot (1:1 - 26)

¶Opposite    The Lord gave his Great Commission to his first church (and all future churches) to take the Gospel to the entire Earth (1:1 - 8)

¶Opposite    The apostles cast lots to choose an apostle to replace Judas Iscariot (1:9 - 26)

§Complement    Peter preached the Gospel to foreign-born Jews and about 5,000 confessed Jesus as their Messiah (2:1 - 40)

¶Unique    God poured out his Holy Spirit upon the apostles; and this miracle brought many foreign-born Jews around them (2:1 - 13)

¶Complement    Peter preached that the miracle of speaking in foreign languages came from Jehovah, the God of Israel (2:14 - 21)

¶Complement    Peter preached that the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus was also from Jehovah, the God of Israel (2:22 - 28)

¶Opposite    Peter pointed to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit from Jehovah as proof of the resurrection of Jesus (2:29 - 36)

¶Opposite    Peter called the Jews to repent and turn to their Messiah; and be baptized as a sign of the forgiveness of their sins (2:37 - 40)

§Unique    The Assembly in Jerusalem began to expand rapidly with many new believers (2:41 - 47)

¶Complement    After baptism, the new converts continued in the teaching and fellowship of the apostles (2:41 - 43)

¶Complement    The spiritual growth of the new converts resulted in more souls being saved, which were added to the Assembly (2:44 - 47)

We continue our study of Acts Chapter 1.1 with an overview of the Golden Ratio design of the entire Chapter.

Remember from previous studies that the Golden Ratio paragraph pattern for the Chapters in every Book in the Body Section goes like this:

Chapter 1.1: UCC-OO

Chapter 1.2: OO-CCU

Chapter 1.3: UCC-OO

Chapter 1.4: OO-CCU

Chapter 1.5: UCC-OO

Chapter 2.1: OO-CCU

Chapter 2.2: UCC-OO

Chapter 2.3: OO-CCU

Chapter 2.4: UCC-OO

Chapter 2.5: OO-CCU

In fact, this design is identical with every other Book in Division one of the golden ratio design of the Bible, which is powerful evidence that the Bible is the inspired Word of God! This would be impossible if the Bible were merely a collection of the words of fallible men.

This is Chapter 1.1, so the paragraph pattern is “UCC-OO” for the Body Section, which we will see is exactly the case.

¶Unique    God poured out his Holy Spirit upon the apostles; and this miracle brought many foreign-born Jews around them (2:1 - 13)

¶Complement    Peter preached that the miracle of speaking in foreign languages came from Jehovah, the God of Israel (2:14 - 21)

¶Complement    Peter preached that the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus was also from Jehovah, the God of Israel (2:22 - 28)

¶Opposite    Peter pointed to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit from Jehovah as proof of the resurrection of Jesus (2:29 - 36)

¶Opposite    Peter invited the Jews to repent and turn to Jesus the Christ; and be baptized as a sign of the forgiveness of their sins (2:37 - 40)

The Golden Ratio design: one Unique, two Complements, and two Opposite.

The first paragraph is unique among these five paragraphs, because in it, the Holy Spirit was poured out from Heaven upon the first Assembly (or church), and they spoke fluently in foreign languages without any training at all. This miracle prepared the Jews in the area to be curious about what happened, and so they gathered around the apostles to hear what they had to say about it.

In the second and third paragraphs, Peter is preaching to thousands of foreign-born Jews who were in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost. The themes of these two paragraphs complement each other, as Peter is setting the stage for his invitation to the Jews in the next two paragraphs.

In the fourth paragraph, Peter begins his conclusion by pointing to the miracle of speaking in foreign languages without training as proof that Jesus arose from the dead, and that Jesus was indeed their Messiah and King, whom they had crucified.

Then in the fifth paragraph, Peter calls upon the Jews to repent and turn to Christ alone and be baptized as a sign of their faith in Christ as their Messiah.

These last two paragraphs oppose each other; and they are different in substance and theme from the first three paragraphs, so there is a space between the third and fourth paragraphs to show this characteristic of the Golden Ratio design.

If you missed the first two studies in this series which explains the basics of the Golden Ratio design of the Bible, I invite you to explore them in this series of studies that start from the beginning.:

Introduction to the Golden Ratio design of the Bible

I will not go into this much detail about the Golden Ratio design in most studies, but I have to repeat this information periodically, since I get new readers all the time, so it is necessary.

The Conclusion Section of this Chapter in Acts (with two paragraphs) is about the spiritual growth of the Jewish converts to Christ after they were baptized and joined the Assembly in Jerusalem.

§Unique   Conclusion: The Assembly in Jerusalem began to expand rapidly with many new Believers (2:41 - 47)

¶Complement    After baptism, the new converts continued in the teaching and fellowship of the apostles (2:41 - 43)

¶Complement    The spiritual growth of the new converts resulted in even more souls being saved, which were added to the Assembly in Jerusalem (2:44 - 47)

I invite you to look at Acts Chapter 1 on my website in the Kingdom Study Bible, so that you can see the Golden Ratio design for yourself. At the top of the page, you can find links to view other parts of the Kingdom Study Bible as well.

What is the significance of the Golden Ratio design of the Bible?

The Golden Ratio design of the Bible is proof that God is the true Author of the Holy Scriptures, because the apostles and Prophets who recorded the words in the Bible over a period of about 1,600 years were definitely not aware of the Golden Ratio design in their writings.

But since we can clearly see this design all through the Bible from Genesis to the Psalms (see the entire Golden Ratio design at, and since this design would be clearly be impossible without Divine Inspiration (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21), therefore the Holy Bible must be from the one true God.

So, the Golden Ratio design of the Bible is visual proof that the Holy Bible (not including the Apochrypha or the pseudepigrapha) originated from God Almighty, and not from any imagination or device of man.

On the other hand, this also means that the other religious books in the world today are not of God, because they do not have the Golden Ratio design in any way, shape, or form: the Quran of Islam, the bhagavad gita of Hinduism, the “books” of Mormon, the writings of Ellen G. White (Seventh Day Adventists), and many others.

The Holy Bible proclaims Jesus Christ as the one true Way of Salvation, and the one true God; therefore, Jesus Christ is exactly what the Bible says that He is: crucified and risen Redeemer, Savior, King of kings, Lord of lords, and Messiah of the Jewish people (and many other Divine titles).

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man comes to the Father, but by me” John 14:6.

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other Name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

“Tell, and bring them near; moreover, let them take counsel together. Who has declared this from ancient times? Who has told it from that time? Have not I Jehovah? And there is no God other than me, a just God and a Savior; there is no God other than me. Look unto me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am the true God; and there is no other.” Isaiah 45:21-22

“And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This [Jesus] is the true God, and Eternal Life.” 1 John 5:20-21

We will examine the miracle of speaking in foreign tongues without training in more detail in the next study.

How to be saved

The Bible clearly states that salvation can only be obtained if we repent and believe in Jesus Christ in order to be saved.

Luke 13:3: “I say to you, no; but, unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

Romans 3:21-24: “But now, the righteousness of God apart from the Law is revealed (being testified by the Law and the Prophets), even the righteousness of God as it is through the faith of Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe: for there is no difference: for all have sinned, and have fallen short of the glory of God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”

It is impossible to keep the Law of Moses! The sole purpose of the Law of Moses (the Ten Commandments) is to make you understand that you are a sinner who has sinned against God. It cannot make you righteous in God’s eyes:

Romans 3:19-20: “And we know that whatever the Law says, it says to those who are under the Law, so that every mouth may be shut, and everyone may become guilty before God; therefore by the works of the Law no flesh shall be justified in His sight: for by the Law is the knowledge of sin.”

Sins can only be paid for by the finished atonement of Jesus Christ on the cross! We cannot pay for our own sins with our suffering, neither in this life nor in the fictitious place called “Purgatory”!

Romans 3:23-26: “For all have sinned, and have fallen short of the glory of God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus; whom God has publicly exhibited, to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, to declare His righteousness for the remission of past sins, through the patience of God; to declare, I say, at this time his justice; that God may be just, and the justifier of him who believes in Jesus.”

Here is how you can be truly saved TODAY, and know that you have Eternal Life, right now!

The Bible says,

“that if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved: for with the heart, man believes into righteousness; and with the mouth, confession is made into salvation: for the Scripture says, “Whosoever believes on him shall not be ashamed.” For there is no difference between the Jew and the Gentile: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him: for it is written, “whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:9-13

Are you ready to do that? If so, then find a place to pray privately, and pray this prayer with all of your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ:

“Lord Jesus, I know that I have sinned against YOU. I am no good, and you are righteous! You are my only hope for salvation! I believe that you died on the cross for my sins, you were buried, and you rose again from the dead on the third day. I want you to come into my life and be my Lord and Savior. Please come into my heart right now. Forgive me for all my sins, and save my soul. In the mighty Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen!”

If you have turned from your sins and accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and only Savior from sin, please message me through Facebook and let me know that you have done that, so that I can pray for you and rejoice with you in what God has done in your life. Amen.

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Hechos Estudio #13: El diseño de la proporción áurea de Hechos, capítulo 1

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Todas las citas bíblicas y el arreglo se encuentran exclusivamente en el Reino Estudio Biblia (REB) en español, publicada por los ministerios editoriales Jehová ha hablado.

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“¡Esta es la obra de Jehová! Es maravilloso a nuestros ojos”. Salmo 118:23

Hechos, Capítulo 1.1: Muchos judíos de la Diáspora creído al evangelio de Jesús Cristo (1:1 - 2:47)

§El complemento    Introducción: Jesús dio su Gran Comisión y los apóstoles eligieron un reemplazo para Judas Iscariote (1:1 - 26)

¶Lo opuesto    El Señor dio su Gran Comisión a su primera iglesia (y todas las iglesias futuras) para llevar el evangelio a toda la tierra (1:1 - 8))

¶Lo opuesto    Los apóstoles echan suertes para elegir un apóstol para reemplazar a Judas Iscariote (1:9 - 26)

§El complemento    Cuerpo: Pedro predicó el evangelio a judíos nacidos en el extranjero y unos 5,000 confesaron a Jesús como su Mesías (2:1 - 40)

¶Único    Dios derramó su Espíritu Santo sobre los apóstoles; y este milagro atrajo a muchos judíos nacidos en el extranjero (2:1 - 13)

¶El complemento    Pedro predicó que el milagro de hablar en idiomas extranjeros provenía de Jehová, el Dios de Israel (2:14 - 21)

¶El complemento    Pedro predicó que la crucifixión y resurrección de Jesús también provenían de Jehová, el Dios de Israel (2:22 - 28)

¶Lo opuesto    Pedro señaló el derramamiento del Espíritu Santo desde Jehová como prueba de la resurrección de Jesús (2:29 - 36)

¶Lo opuesto    Pedro llamó a los judíos a arrepentirse y volverse al cristo, y ser bautizados como señal del perdón de sus pecados (2:37 - 40)

§Único    Conclusión: La asamblea en Jerusalén comenzó a expandirse rápidamente con muchos creyentes nuevos (2:41 - 47)

¶El complemento    Después del bautismo, los nuevos conversos continuaron en la enseñanza y la comunión de los apóstoles (2:41 - 43)

¶El complemento    El crecimiento espiritual de los nuevos conversos resultó en la salvación de más almas (2:44 - 47)


La traducción al español de este estudio está pendiente.

Como Ser Salvado

¿Exactamente cómo y cuándo naciste de nuevo?

He aprendido por experiencia que aquellos que se niegan a responder lo hacen porque nunca han nacido de nuevo; no tienen idea de lo que significa, y por eso no pueden responder.

Si ese es tu caso, entonces tu destino eterno en este momento es el Infierno; y más tarde, el Lago de Fuego.

Afortunadamente, podemos cambiar nuestro destino eterno del Infierno al Cielo, si nos arrepentimos de nuestros pecados y recibimos a Jesucristo como nuestro Salvador personal.

Primero, debemos creer que Jesús es el Hijo de Dios; que fue crucificado por nuestros pecados, que fue sepultado y que resucitó de entre los muertos al tercer día.

Romanos 10:8-11: “Pero ¿qué dice? “La Palabra está cerca de ti, incluso en tu boca y en tu corazón”, es decir, la Palabra de fe (que predicamos), que si confesarás con tu boca al Señor Jesús, y creerás en tu corazón que Dios le levantó de los muertos, tú serás salvado: porque con el corazón, el hombre cree para justicia, y con la boca, la confesión se hace para la salvación: porque la Escritura dice, “cualquiera que en él creyere, no será avergonzado”.

Entonces, debemos arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados e invocar el Nombre del Señor Jesús para salvarnos.

Romanos 10:12-13: “Porque no hay diferencia entre el judio y el gentil: porque el mismo Señor sobre todo es rico a todos los que le invocan: porque está escrito, “Cualquiera que llamará sobre el Nombre del Señor será salvado”.

Juan 1:12: “Pero cuantos le recibieron, él les dio autoridad para convertirse los niños de Dios: incluso a aquellos quien creen sobre su Nombre”.

Cuando hacemos eso, entonces nacemos de nuevo instantáneamente en el Reino de Dios.

Estas listo para hacer eso? Si es así, entonces busca un lugar para orar en privado y haz esta oración con todo tu corazón al Señor Jesucristo:

“Señor Jesús, sé que he pecado contra TI. ¡No soy bueno y usted eres justo! Creo que moriste en la cruz por mis pecados, fuiste enterrado y resucitaste de entre los muertos al tercer día. Quiero que vengas a mi vida y seas mi Señor y Salvador. Por favor entra en mi corazón ahora mismo. Perdóname por todos mis pecados y salva mi alma. En el poderoso Nombre de Jesús, oro, ¡Amén!”

Si se apartó de sus pecados y aceptó a Jesucristo como su Señor y único Salvador desde el pecado, por favor envíeme un mensaje a través de Facebook y hágame saber que lo ha hecho, para que pueda orar por usted y alegrarme con usted en lo que Dios tiene hecho en tu vida. Amén.